1. Click on Assessments in the menu, and then Assessments in the submenu.
You then get a page with an overview of Planned assessments.
2. Now we will create a new assessment and therefore click on the button Plan assessment.
3. Then a box with three tabs appears.
First, you choose Assessment type and then click on the next tab or the button Next.
Then choose Time for the test. Click on the date-field and choose the wanted date. Then choose fields for time/clock. Here you first choose for example 10 AM, and then you choose minutes, for example, 10:30. Then click on the next tab or the button Next. The test is only available for the candidate at the date it is set. The time is for organizational purposes - the test is open from midnight to midnight.
The last tab is choosing room or Venue. Here you just choose the room the test is arranged in. These rooms are defined in the settings for the test center.
When the room is chosen, only clicking on Create remains. Then the box disappears and the test is created.
You come to a page showing Test information to the test you just created. The test is created, and you do not need to do anything on this page, but there are a few things you can do here in these fields:
- Name. Change the title of the test. It is possible to change the title. The name of the assessment template is not possible to change, this is to keep candidates from being put in the wrong level.
- Description. Here you can write more accurate about the description/information about the test.
- Date/time. If the time of the test needs changing, this is where to do it
- Places. If you want to set a restriction to the number of places on the test, you can do it here. The number automatically is set as the capacity on the current room. But you can also set a lower number of places if you want to
- Venue. If you want to move the test to a new venue, you can do it here
After the changes are done on the test, you always have to push the save button.
The next you have to do is Add candidates to test.